Send Feedback and Known Issues
Thanks for playing The Axis Unseen
If you would like to send feedback about The Axis Unseen, here’s a few ways to do that. Keep in mind that The Axis Unseen is an indie game developed primarily by one person. Thank you.
You can submit a bug report here or use one of these other methods to contact me.
Discord - The Axis Unseen Discord
Steam Forums - Demo Discussion Forums on Steam
Twitter/X - @npurkeypile
TikTok - @theaxisunseen
Instagram - @justpurkeygames
Known Issues/Solutions
Here are the known issues with The Axis Unseen at this time:
Some AMD cards crash - Reinstalling drivers without the optional Radeon software seems to resolve this issue. This seems to be a general bug with Unreal games and AMD software. AMD is working with Epic to resolve this.
Other common crash causes The other most common thing to cause crashes is Antivirus Software or Windows Defender. Try whitelisting the game or disabling it temporarily. This can cause access violation crashes (such as the 0xc0000005 crash). Sometimes it might only happen in something like Photomode. RivaTuner can also cause a crash.
Running the game in Administrator mode can fix crashes as well To do that, right click on the game in Steam->Manage->Browse Local Files. Then go to the Windows subfolder, right click on Foretold.exe and Run as Administrator. Click Yes to the prompt that comes up.
The arms cast a shadow with no body - Unreal 5.4 doesn’t support isolated first person models correctly. This should be supported when 5.5 launches. Alternatively, once I have time I might add a full model. TBD depending on the support in Unreal 5.5.
Something happened to my save! By default it will try to pull the most recent backup that is valid. If for some reason that doesn't work you can navigate to: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Foretold\Saved\SaveGames and manually replace your save slot with one of the backups. Lots of changes and redundant checks have gone in recently so this should no longer be necessary.